1: open file and it will comup with the progeramclick the boxs message 1 messgae 2
2: type in 1 (madhacks.darkbb.com for best free tgs inclueds SPEED HACK and in message 2 put: VIP coming SOON FOR $5 U.S WOW $5 THATS A BARGEN!
3:set the amount of times to spam as 999999 then press start (make sure you in combatarms frist then open combatarms in channel then wait 20 seconds and it will start spamming it
4:you can also change how fast you want it to spam by going to where it says how Quick Seconds default is 3 but you can make it 2 or 1
5 if it comes up with you cant repeate blahhh blahh blahh for 1 minute then close the spam1 and reopen it and put in words and should work this dose not normaly happen!
thanks hope this helps